I use No-IP to provide dynamic DNS services so I can have remote access to my machine at home. However, the No-IP client doesn't send updates when my IP address doesn't change, and with my provider it tends to not change for quite some time. This causes No-IP to send me warning messages that my host is going to be deactivated from inactivity. In these notices, there is a link you can click to keep your host alive with its current IP. That got me thinking how I could force a periodic update.
I wrote the following script, pagecheck, to allow fetching an arbitrary web page and checking for some simple content in the page output:
#Gets a web page and searches it for the specified text; if not found, or if a wget error results, returns
#an error code and prints error text.
#Arthur Penn - 16 Apr 2008
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "pagecheck \"URL to page\" \"Success text to expect\""
exit 1
PAGE=$(wget --no-verbose -O - "$1" 2>&1)
if [ 0 -eq $RC ]; then
SUCCESS=$(echo "$PAGE" | grep "$2")
if [ -n "$SUCCESS" ]; then
exit 0
echo "Did not find success message of \"$2\" in $1:"
echo "$PAGE"
exit 1
echo "$PAGE"
exit 1
This uses wget to fetch the web page and look for the content, and only prints output when it encounters problems. This makes it suitable for cron jobs. I added this script to /usr/local/bin (save it to a text file, and then: sudo cp pagecheck /usr/local/bin && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pagecheck). I then added the following script into the /etc/cron.monthly folder so it gets run once per month (don't do this more often to avoid excessive No-IP updates):
# Touches the no-ip.com host dialog to confirm that the URL is still in use
/usr/local/bin/pagecheck "http://www.no-ip.com/hostactive.php?host=myhost&domain=noipdomain.net" "Update Successful"
T0 use this, you need to update the portions in red to match your No-IP domain (e.g. if your No-IP domain is fred.atx.net, the host would be "fred," and the domain would be "atx.net."
Since doing this, I haven't gotten any of the host deactivation messages from No-IP.
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Thanks, even years later, this will be useful for me! :)
ReplyDelete*edit*: spoke too soon :( there's a captcha now =/